
EMN - rapporti su immigrazione e asilo in UE

The European Migration Network (EMN) plays a key role in providing reliable information on migration and asylum, which is essential for the EU to better respond to the challenges in these areas.

Purpose of EMN

The objective of the EMN is to meet the information needs of Union institutions and of Member States’ authorities and institutions by providing up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum, with a view to supporting policymaking in the European Union in these areas. The EMN also serves to provide the general public with such information, including via this website.
EMN Outputs
This folder contains the various outputs of the European Migration Network, i.e. its Studies; Annual Policy Reports; Annual Reports on Migration and International Protection Statistics; Ad-Hoc Queries; and the Glossary and Thesaurus.
Name Description

0. Institutional Charts on Asylum and Migration   These charts provide a simplified, schematic overview of the institutional framework of each Member State relating to migration and asylum policies, with each chart representing the main institutional entities and their tasks within the Member State.   
1. Annual Policy Reports   Provides an overall insight into the most significant political discussions, legal developments, as well as enforcement policies and administrative practices in the participating Member States within the field of migration and asylum.   
2. Annual Reports on Migration and International Protection Statistics   This folder contains TABLES OF DATA for each Member State plus REPORTS wherein the national statistical data are analysed by the EMN NCPs in the context of legal and policy developments up to and including 2009. A Synthesis Report then provides an overview of national findings within an EU perspective.

From 2010 onwards, the EMN no longer produces such reports, instead statistics are presented via other means, notably the EMN Bulletin. 
3. EMN Studies   Provides the Synthesis Report and National Reports of the various studies undertaken by the EMN in accordance with its objective of providing up-to-date, objective and reliable information to support policymakers.   
4. EMN Ad-Hoc Queries   Compilations of recent EMN Ad-Hoc Queries may be found here. This EMN activity is used to provide information in a relatively short time on a wide range of asylum- and migration-related issues of relevance to policy development both in an EMN NCPs' Member State and/or by the Commission.

An attempt has been made to categorise the numerous queries into broad categories in order to bring together related queries on a similar topic, although one should note that there are often overlaps between these categories in a particular query. An OVERVIEW LIST of the available compilations is also given. 
5. EMN Glossary and Thesaurus   The purpose of the glossary is to provide common definitions and understanding of terms in the field of asylum and migration which are then used, for example, in the formulation of queries and undertaking of studies according to common specifications by the EMN NCPs. The glossary shall also be used to develop further the EMN Thesaurus, the purpose of which is to permit the structured searching of documents within the EMN's Information Exchange System  
6. Status Reports   Succinct status reports intended for the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions concerning the ongoing activities of the EMN and the key findings of its studies. Such reports are produced on an annual basis.   
7. Other EMN-related Reports    

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