
VI Rapporto EMN: gli studenti stranieri nelle università italiane

Sixth EMN Italy Report
International students at Italian universities:
empirical survey and insights (2013)

The book in pdf format
Official presentation read

The aim of this study regarding international students in the Italian universities was to provide an overview of the national policies already implemented in this regard. This was set on a comparativistic frame of reference with the other Member States, in order to produce a synthesis paper at EU level with a view to assisting policymakers and practitioners and also civil society as a whole in the ongoing debate on migration in general and, in particular, with regard to the revision of the European Directive 2004/114/EC on the conditions of admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of studies.

The analysis of the national context has been addressed on three instruments that can be used as a basis: the collection and processing of statistical data; a desk analysis of existing literature, and the official presentation of a real online survey to investigate the direct point of view of those involved.
The present study, edited by the Italian National Contact Point of the EMN, was supported by a qualitative survey called ISS - International Student Survey and prepared in collaboration with the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (Istituto di ricerche sulla popolazione e le politiche sociali – IRPPS) of the National Research Council - CNR. The research project, which ran from May 2012 to January 2013, according to the established survey methodology CAWI, consisted in the online distribution of a questionnaire made up of 60 closed-form questions with anonymous responses sent to 1,200 non-EU university students living in Italy, enquiring them about their living conditions and future prospects.

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